Football News

September 18, 2019


The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has made public the reports of its youth tournaments as the Federation seeks to enable transparency and accountability.

The key tournaments, National U15, 17 and 20, which serve to inform the GFF’s Youth Development Strategy, have been executed with support from long-standing partners Pele Alumni, National Milling Company (NAMILCO) and new partner Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).

The reports, among others, capture the tournaments executed – participating Regional Member Associations, teams, match fixtures and results, goal scorers, highlights as well as challenges.  However, due to partner confidentiality agreement, the financial information is not included.

President Wayne Forde said the release of the reports is now part of the Standing Operating Procedure (SoP) of the GFF: “The Council has always emphasized transparency and accountability as part of its key values and this extends to the operations of the Secretariat. The release of the reports of some of our most critical tournaments is now part of our SoP as we recognize that football, as much as it is ours, is also part of the public good. It will afford, among others, the nation to understand the achievements and challenges of football administration, the opportunities which await their engagement and track the development of our most important resources and talent from as early as possible so we can have maximum involvement for the good of the game.” Forde added that reports of national and international tournaments will also be part of the GFF’s SoP and made public.

The reports are available on the GFF’s website via the following link

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